Savannah Gardens

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Savannah Gardens 2020-03-12T18:36:56-04:00

Project Description

A multi-phase redevelopment of a dilapidated community, Savannah Gardens is being heralded across the nation for it’s impact on the broader community. As owner’s construction representative, LDG Consulting provided construction over sight; attended all draw request meetings; reviewed, advised, and approved all change requests; and advised on certain development and management issues. On future phases, ensured, provided assistance on the acceptance of units from the contractor. LDG Consulting anticipates working as owner’s construction advisor on the two remaining phases once construction begins. The mixed-income community has widely been received by the community as filling a great need for quality affordable housing.

BONUS: Check out this outstanding history behind Savannah Gardens by Thomas and Hutton going back to 1939 when this place was originally the Wartime Tatnall Homes.

Savannah Gardens History

Client / Developer:
Mercy Housing South East

Savannah, GA

2010 – 2016

438 Units
Leasing Office
Resident Lounges
Fitness Center

Photo Credits: Mercy Housing Southeast